Silver Sponsor/Exhibitor

Relying on 30 years of industrial experience, EURODIA designs, develops and installs innovative separation / purification processes worldwide. We supply reliable industrial solutions designed to meet tight product specifications, leading to high performance, exceptional product quality, and attractive economics. Our separation techniques include electrodialysis, membrane filtration, ion exchange resins, and chromatography, with pilot and manufacturing facilities located in our headquarters in France and our two subsidiaries in the United States (AMERIDIA), and Brazil (EEDB).
The EURODIA Group has gained the confidence of dairy customers throughout the world, as well as customers in the green chemistry, chemical, sugar/sweeteners, water, and wine industries. Applications in the dairy industry include whey and WPC demineralization, whey processing, proteins fractionation, milk standardization, and more. As of today, the overall capacity of D90 for infant formula installed by EURODIA worldwide reaches the equivalent of 350,000 T/year of D90 powder.
EURODIA aims to deliver a unique response to each customer’s demand, keeping in mind environmental and energetical challenges. Effluent reduction and their valorization, power energy savings and water recycling are part of our DNA and our community values, we are committed to continuously improve ourselves!
Through the development of innovative process solutions combining membrane technologies only, EURODIA is now proposing a new brand of whey demineralization processes dedicated to the production of organic D90, allowing to reach specifications of infant formula industry.
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