
Daniel West

Daniel West is currently a Senior Lecturer working within the Human Nutrition & Exercise Research Centre and Diabetes Research Group. He was appointed as a research institute Principal Investigator in 2016, where he was awarded a prestigious Newcastle University Research Fellowship. Prior to moving to Newcastle he studied a PhD in clinical exercise physiology within the Diabetes Research Group, of the College of Medicine, and the Department of Sport and Exercise Science, at Swansea University.

His primary research interests focus on the role of exercise and nutrition in the management of chronic disease, with particular interest in the facilitation of safe and effective exercise in those with Type 1 diabetes. He also explores nutritional and insulin dose adjustment strategies to improve mealtime glucose control in both Type 1 and 2 diabetes.

He has received funding from Diabetes UK, Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation, The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund, NU COVID-19 research fund, Arla Foods Ingredients, Medtronic, Dexcom & Beneo.

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